July 27, 2024

Bible Reflection 7 (Matthew 14:28-30)

But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink cried out, “Lord, save me!” Matthew 14:28-30

Everyone has had times where they feel like they are drowning. They are overwhelmed by too many problems or too many projects in their life. Too many people expect too much from them. When this happens, many people turn to unhealthy mechanisms for dealing with stress.

Christians, however, would do well to turn to God. When you are feeling hopeless or overwhelmed, cry out to Him before you drown, and He will save you. He is always there for you, and He will guide you to safety if you are willing to listen to Him.

Habakkuk 3:1-4
Okusaba kwa Habakkuku nnabbi. Ku shigionothi. Ai Mukama, mpulira erinnya lyo, ne ntya ebikolwa byo, Mukama. Bizza mu biro byaffe, mu biro byonna eby’emirembe n’okwolesa; mu busungu jjukira ekisa. Katonda yavudde Temani, Omutukuvu okuva ku Lusozi Parani. Ekitiibwa kye kyalese eggulu ne lyatika, n’okuyimba kwe ne kujjuza ensi. Okumyansa kwe kwali ng’akaawa; omusana nga guva mu mukono gwe, gye yateeka amaanyi ge ag’ekyama.

Abaebbulaniya 3:14
Ntambula mpola ng’eyoleka eri eggulu okuwanga enkizo Katonda gye yantumira mu Yesu Kristo.