July 27, 2024

Bible Reflection 6 (Psalm 23:1)

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. Psalm 23:1

Everyone has things in life that they want and hope to gain. This has been true since the dawn of human history. Humans cannot find everything they need for themselves, however. Instead, we are usually forever searching for something else or something more.

We feel as if we are always falling short of what we need or want. Thankfully, it is not all on us to find everything or create everything that we need. When it really comes down to it, God provides what we need. He is also the one who helps bring us the intangibles such as love and hope that make life worth living.

Habakkuk 3:1-4
Okusaba kwa Habakkuku nnabbi. Ku shigionothi. Ai Mukama, mpulira erinnya lyo, ne ntya ebikolwa byo, Mukama. Bizza mu biro byaffe, mu biro byonna eby’emirembe n’okwolesa; mu busungu jjukira ekisa. Katonda yavudde Temani, Omutukuvu okuva ku Lusozi Parani. Ekitiibwa kye kyalese eggulu ne lyatika, n’okuyimba kwe ne kujjuza ensi. Okumyansa kwe kwali ng’akaawa; omusana nga guva mu mukono gwe, gye yateeka amaanyi ge ag’ekyama.

Abaebbulaniya 3:14
Ntambula mpola ng’eyoleka eri eggulu okuwanga enkizo Katonda gye yantumira mu Yesu Kristo.