July 27, 2024

Bible Reflection 5 (Mark 1:17)

Come follow Me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will make you fishers of men. Mark 1:17

For most people, church and God are reserved for Sunday mornings. They go to church on Sunday and think about Jesus for a couple of hours. Then, they come home or go to work the next day and forget all about Him. That is not how religion is meant to work.

Your faith is supposed to guide your every movement, fill ever action and shape every thought. Do not simply relegate Jesus to a few hours on Sunday or a few minutes when you pray before bed. Make Him the central part of your life each and every day, and you will see your life transform.

Habakkuk 3:1-4
Okusaba kwa Habakkuku nnabbi. Ku shigionothi. Ai Mukama, mpulira erinnya lyo, ne ntya ebikolwa byo, Mukama. Bizza mu biro byaffe, mu biro byonna eby’emirembe n’okwolesa; mu busungu jjukira ekisa. Katonda yavudde Temani, Omutukuvu okuva ku Lusozi Parani. Ekitiibwa kye kyalese eggulu ne lyatika, n’okuyimba kwe ne kujjuza ensi. Okumyansa kwe kwali ng’akaawa; omusana nga guva mu mukono gwe, gye yateeka amaanyi ge ag’ekyama.

Abaebbulaniya 3:14
Ntambula mpola ng’eyoleka eri eggulu okuwanga enkizo Katonda gye yantumira mu Yesu Kristo.