July 27, 2024

Bible Reflection 4 (Proverbs 12:25)

An anxious heart weighs man down, but a kind word cheers him up. Proverbs 12:25

The world is too often filled with cruelty and malice. When a person is not facing deliberate hurt, they are often surrounded by the sort of apathy and indifference that can be every bit as damaging. Not everyone, however, wants to live in a world that is at best uncaring about others suffering.

Thankfully, anyone can make a difference. Showing kindness to others costs you nothing, but it can make all the difference in the world for someone else. Even something as small as a kind word or smile for a stranger can lift someone’s spirits and give them the strength to carry on.

Habakkuk 3:1-4
Okusaba kwa Habakkuku nnabbi. Ku shigionothi. Ai Mukama, mpulira erinnya lyo, ne ntya ebikolwa byo, Mukama. Bizza mu biro byaffe, mu biro byonna eby’emirembe n’okwolesa; mu busungu jjukira ekisa. Katonda yavudde Temani, Omutukuvu okuva ku Lusozi Parani. Ekitiibwa kye kyalese eggulu ne lyatika, n’okuyimba kwe ne kujjuza ensi. Okumyansa kwe kwali ng’akaawa; omusana nga guva mu mukono gwe, gye yateeka amaanyi ge ag’ekyama.

Abaebbulaniya 3:14
Ntambula mpola ng’eyoleka eri eggulu okuwanga enkizo Katonda gye yantumira mu Yesu Kristo.