July 27, 2024

Bible Reflection 2 (Genesis 1:1)

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

When things get difficult, it can be tempting to wonder if the whole world is spinning out of control. As things are not right in your life, you assume that everything is wrong everywhere. Of course, it may not even be that things are going wrong in your life.

Events may be steering you toward greater things, but you feel like things are going wrong because you are not in control. When that happens, trust in God. He has created the heavens, the earth, the seas and the skies as well as you and everything in your life. If you feel like you are not in control, it is because you are not. God is in control.

Habakkuk 3:1-4
Okusaba kwa Habakkuku nnabbi. Ku shigionothi. Ai Mukama, mpulira erinnya lyo, ne ntya ebikolwa byo, Mukama. Bizza mu biro byaffe, mu biro byonna eby’emirembe n’okwolesa; mu busungu jjukira ekisa. Katonda yavudde Temani, Omutukuvu okuva ku Lusozi Parani. Ekitiibwa kye kyalese eggulu ne lyatika, n’okuyimba kwe ne kujjuza ensi. Okumyansa kwe kwali ng’akaawa; omusana nga guva mu mukono gwe, gye yateeka amaanyi ge ag’ekyama.

Abaebbulaniya 3:14
Ntambula mpola ng’eyoleka eri eggulu okuwanga enkizo Katonda gye yantumira mu Yesu Kristo.